Virtual Ofrendas
Protected: Melissa 12;15
Villareal-Arellano Ofrenda
Our ofrenda was created by my family including my cousins. We are honoring our great-great grandma (Abuelita Lupe), great grandparents (Abuelito Pablo and Abuelita Lola), our grandma, cousins (Richard, Natalie and more), uncles and aunts. We are also honoring friends.
Hernandez Ofrenda
Our ofrenda is honoring my grandparents, my great grandmother, my tios and tias and the numerous cousins I have lost in the last two to three years as well as most recently this week.

Moreno Hernandez
Recordando a nuestros seres queridos que se no han adelantado en el camino. Siempre los llevamos en nuestros corazones. Dios bendiga sus almas.

Medellin Briseno
Catalina Murcia