Jerome Larez

Ofrenda Theme:  TBD

Jerome Larez is a Ph.D. student in Arts & Cultural Tradition and Human Rights & Social Justice at Southern Methodist University. Jerome is a Texas Tech alum; where he completed his undergraduate and graduate education. His research interests explore the complex interactions of art and activism, art equity, and the intersectionality of race, sexuality, gender, and the impact of cultural convergence to individuals and groups. While at Texas Tech University, Jerome founded Hope Will Never Be Silent, a Big 12 LGBTQ+ traveling art exhibit. In 2014, Jerome co-founded Arttitude to create and support platforms for LGBTQ+ people to represent their multiple and diverse identities, histories, and communities with the goal of inciting change and equality for all through the arts.

Co-creatives: Veronica Morales and Enrique Altamirana

Site Location: Arts Mission